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Our Governing Body



Mrs Carol Hunt 



Mrs Louise Meredith



Mrs Debbie Naffati


Miss  Alison Gee
Staff Governor


Mr Ian Shires
Local Authority Governor


Michael Keane

Parent Governor


Carly McKenzie

Parent Governor


Mrs Siobhan Roberts

Parent Governor


Mrs Lisa Spooner



Mr Rupi Pandaal




Parent Governor



Our Governors are happy to help, answer queries or deal with concerns at any time and may be contacted through our school office. You may write, phone, or visit in person. If you would like to speak to a governor, than leave your details at the office and they will endeavour to return your call as soon as possible. Our Parent Governors are often in the playground before and after school, and are happy to be approached. In addition, there is a Governor presence at every parent consultation evening, and they would love to talk to you.


Our Governors, whilst thoroughly enthusiastic and committed to supporting the whole school community, are volunteers and have busy working lives of their own. Please be aware that whilst they will make every effort to respond to your queries promptly, there may be occasions when this is not possible. Our school operates an open door policy, and the Headteacher and Assistant Headteachers are always happy to make time for you if they are in the building.  In addition, you may always follow the procedures laid out in our school Complaints Procedure. This can be found in our Policies section.



In order to carry out our role efficiently and effectively the detailed work of the Governing Body is under taken by three main committees, other committees are called as and when required. The Committees report back to termly meetings of the Governing Body at which broader issues are discussed and agreed.


Mrs D Naffati ( Headteacher)
Miss A Gee

Mrs Carol Hunt

Mr M Keane

Mrs S  Roberts

Mrs C  McKenzie




Mrs Carol Hunt
Mrs Louise Meredith

Any other non staff governor


Mrs Lisa Spooner

Mrs Carol Hunt
Mrs Louise Meredith ( Chair)

Mr R Pandaal
Mrs Debbie Naffati

Mr I Shires





Continuous Professional Development
Members of our Governing Body have attended the following training sessions in the last two years.


Visions and Values

Maintained School Budget for Beginners

Data Protection

Safeguarding Level 1 -3

Induction for New Governors Session 1& 2

Working with the  Traumatised child to promote effective learning

Recruitment and Selection 

Supporting Children with Medical Needs

Cyber Security

An Introduction to Trauma and Attachment

GBH Exclusions

Improving the Educational Outcomes of children with a Social Worker

Improving Literacy in Educational settings

Pupil Premium

Health & Safety Link Governor

Safer Recruitment

School Budget -  Managing Pressure for School Leaders

Delivering  Robust and Effective Governance

Greater depth reading and writing


Safeguarding for Governors

Data Protection and GDPR for Governors

Understanding your school budget

Safeguarding Link Governor


Register of Interests Our Register of Governors Interests is updated after each Full Governing Body Meeting.

GovernorDate of AppointmentTerm Of OfficeAppointed ByRelevant Business & Pecuniary InterestsContractual Relationships
Mrs C Hunt 02/07/1901/07/23GB

Governor at


Retired employee
Mrs L Meredith 02/07/1901/07/23GB

Employed WMBC

Lead Accountant-Education

Mrs D Naffati24/04/17OngoingBy VirtueHeadteacher of SchoolHeadteacher of School
Cllr I Shires 06/04/2005/04/24GBFrank F Harrison Community Association- Vice ChairNone
Miss A Gee05/12/2304/12/27StaffNoneEmployed By School
Mrs Lisa Spooner19/3/201918/3/2023GBNone

School EWO



Mr Michael Keane11.11.2210.11.27ParentNoneChild Y1
Mrs Carly Mckenzie11.11.2210.11.27ParentEmployee Shine AcademiesChild  R & Y2

Mrs Siobhan


11.11.2210.11.27ParentNoneChild R& Y1
Mr Rupi Pandaal04.10.2203.10.26Co-opted

Director The Bell Inn (Willenhall)Ltd

New Invention Community Forum

Mr Parm Kali-Rai*15/10/2014/10/24ParentsnoneChildren R

* Denotes an individual who has served as a Governor in the last year.

Governor Roles

NameArea of Responsibility
Carol Hunt Chairperson, Safeguarding& Attendance, LAC , Child Protection, Health and Safety
Louise MeredithVice Chairperson, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium
Rupi Pandaal GDPR and Compliance, Attendance
Alison GeeCurriculum,
Michael KeaneCurriculum
Carly McKenzieCurriculum
Siobhan RobertsSEN and Behaviour
Lisa SpoonerWellbeing and Mental Health
Ian ShiresSEN and Behaviour


Governor Attendance  At Meetings

Key; P=Present, A=Absent Apologies Received, X=Absent No Apologies Received

* Denotes a Governor who has been on Governing Board in last 12 months



Mrs D NaffatiPPPPPP
Mrs  SpencerPPPP  
Mr R Pandaal__APXP
Mr P Kali Rai*--PPX 
Mrs C McKenziePAPP  
Mrs S RobertsAAPA X


Resources Committe


Mrs L MeredithAPPPPP
Mrs D NaffatiPPPPPP
Mrs L SpoonerPPPPXP
Mr R PandaalPP    


Pay Committee


Mrs L MeredithPPP
Mrs C HuntPPP
Mrs K Bateman  P
Mrs L Spooner P 
Mr I ShiresP  


Full Governing Body


Mrs D NaffatiPPPP
Mrs C HuntPPPP
Mrs L MeredithPPPP
Cllr I ShiresAAPP
Mrs Z Spencer*_PPP
Miss A GeeP   
Mrs L SpoonerPPAP
Mr P Kali-RaiPPPA
Mr R PandaalPPPP
Mrs C McKenziePPAP
Mr S RobertsPPPP
Mr M KeanePP P

