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School Clubs

Extra-Curricular Activities

We run a wide range of out of school activities for pupils in Years One and Two. Many sporting clubs are offered such as  Dance, Gymnastics, Football, Hockey, Athletics, Tag Rugby, Archery and Multi Sports . In addition we offer Computers, Board Games, Choir, Creative Crafts and Drama. The cost of these clubs is met in the main out of the school budget. We ask for a small contribution of £6 for the whole year. I hope you will agree that this is very good value for money


Dawn ’till Dusk before and after school clubs

Our breakfast and after school clubs offer a safe, happy, and stimulating environment for children to start or end  the day, coupled with a nutritious breakfast, or a healthy afternoon.   If you are a busy working parent, our clubs offer the convenience you require, as your child is safely installed in their school environment, one ‘drop off’ or ‘pick up’and you have no more worries! Bookings for breakfast club need to be made in advance by email  to

Little Puzzlers Parent and Toddler Club

Our group offers a great chance for your child to get involved in a ‘school’ environment and will foster lots of skills needed for when your little one starts nursery – not only a chance to make new friends and socialise, but a chance for you too, we all need ‘adult’ conversation to get us through the day! Our sessions run on Tuesday mornings during term-time only from 9.00a.m. until 10.15a.m. We make every effort to vary our range of activities as much as possible. However, sharing our space with school makes the provision of very messy resources such as sand and water difficult. Practical alternatives that are interesting, educational and fun will be offered. Please email if you would like more information.


