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Swan House Care Home

As you know I have been on a mission with you all to let the residents of Swan House know that we are thinking of them even though we can't visit them at the moment. 


The residents have absolutely loved receiving the children's pictures and messages. It is really making their day. 


Below is just one of the messages that I have received from the people working at Swan House.


"Thank you so much for all your help in making this difficult time much easier and happier for our residents here and of course to the children in your school too.   Again thank you our love to you all and the pupils KEEP SAFE!"


You have honestly made such a difference and made these wonderful people smile every day. I am also including some pictures of some of their residents looking at the first lot of pictures I sent in and you can read some of the comments they made to their care workers.


Unfortunately I have now completely run out of pictures to send to Swan House. If you could possibly send a drawing, message or picture of something that you have been doing at home then I know that the residents and I will really appreciate it.


Please send any pictures that you would like me to send to Swan House via email to


Thank you again to everyone that has taken part so far you are really making a difference! 


Mrs Westbury



