We understand that when deciding which school is best for your children, there can be a lot of unanswered questions. We aim to provide you with all the information that you may need. If there is anything you require further information about, please do not hesitate to contact the school office who would be very happy to help you.
School Tours for parents of Reception age children September 2025 will take place during the Autumn Term.
Please email postbox@invention-i.walsall.sch.uk with your name and contact number to book your space. Thank you.
Children are admitted to our Nursery on a part-time basis in the Autumn Term following their third birthday. To apply for a place at our nursery, visit the school office to fill in an admissions form with a member of our staff. It is helpful to bring with you a copy of your child’s birth certificate and a utility bill showing your address, as it will be needed before we can offer a place at our school. If there are more applications than there are places available, places will be allocated using the Oversubscription Criteria in the following order of priority:
1. Children in Public Care (looked after children) and previously looked after children.
2. Pupils who have an older sibling already in attendance at the school, or paired junior school when the application is made and who will be still attending the school at the proposed admission date.
3. Pupils for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker.
4. Distance between the home address and the school as measured in a straight line with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.
Sometimes parents place their child’s name on a school’s waiting list at a very early stage. It must be understood that decisions on admissions are made only by reference to the criteria set out above and not the date the child’s name was entered on the “waiting list”.
Pupils transfer to a Reception class in the Autumn Term following their fourth birthday. It should be noted that whilst children normally transfer from the nursery class to the reception class in the same school, this cannot always be guaranteed.
You will be asked to complete an online Walsall Authority Preference form in the Autumn Term after your child has started nursery. On this form you can express a preference for three primary schools. In addition to schools in Walsall, you can also express preferences for schools in other council areas. Walsall Children’s Services runs a coordinated admissions scheme with neighbouring councils and with schools where the Governors are the admissions authority, so you only have to fill in one form.
Walsall Admissions Team always try to meet a parent’s first preference, but sometimes more applications for places are received than the school has places available. When this happens they will try to offer your next highest preference. You have a statutory right of appeal against a decision not to offer you a place in a school of your preference to an Independent Appeal Panel.
You can contact the Admissions team by telephone 01922 652585 or by email to – primary.admissions@walsall.gov.uk
During the Autumn Term in Year Two you will be asked to complete a second online Walsall Authority Preference form to enable you to choose a junior school. Should you wish to choose our linked junior school, you are guaranteed a place. If you choose a different setting, the oversubscription rules as above will apply.