Following on from our work last week learning about the parts of the human body, today the children in Seahorses have been learning about the human organs and their functions. We now know what our organs are, where they are in our body and why they are so important!
In science Seahorses are learning about the human body! We have been focusing on different body parts and learning their names and functions. Today the children have been independently labelling a human body! How amazing!
What a wonderful maths lesson Seahorses have had today! This week we have been focusing on comparing amounts using the correct vocabulary to compare! Some of us worked extremely hard to use this vocabulary through colourful semantics and Makaton signs and symbols!
Today, we have Squirrel Learning in school working with our Year One Children in Seahorse Class. They have started off the day learning all about programming using programmable toys. Now that the children have learnt basic directions and what to input on their device they are ready to start sending their programmable toy to a destination.
Seahorses had a lovely walk to the Hive today! We spoke about how a library works and shared a book together. We also spoke about our book, “The Perfect Shelter”, and agreed on making dens at home and spending time with our family!
This morning Seahorses have been representing numbers to 10! We noticed that there are so many different ways to represent a number, here are a few examples of our work!