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Library Week 2021

Library Week 4th - 11th October 2021


Libraries have a fundamental role in society and are an excellent community resource that help to develop a love of books and the written word. We love any opportunity to foster a love of reading, widen our children’s experiences and make links with our community. As part of our celebrations we took each Year Two, Year One and Reception class to the Community Library at ‘The Hive’ at New Invention Square. It is still a place where people can become a member and borrow books to share together at home. Nursery children were also introduced to the lending library in Nursery and were able to borrow books to take home and share for the first time. Everyone in school was very excited indeed!


We have also made a link with Willenhall library and are looking forward to working with them more closely in the future!


During this week we also encouraged our children to join/visit the library and have been overwhelmed by the number of children that have made the most of this opportunity and happily sent in photos with the books that they have chosen to borrow.


We hope and will encourage this to continue in the future -

Happy reading everyone! smiley

