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How to Become a Governor

  • Enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education are the most important qualities you will need!
  • If the Governing Body finds that they are short of a member with particular skills, knowledge or experience, they may invite suitable persons to become an associate member. These members may take a full part in all meetings but have no voting rights.
  • Vacancies usually arise on our Governing Body when a term of office ends. When the term for a Parent Governor nears completion, an election is held in school.
  • When this occurs letters are sent out to parents seeking nominations for Parent Governor. Any parent of a child in our nursery or school is eligible. You may nominate yourself, or be nominated by another parent. If you wish to nominate another parent, please ensure you have the permission of the person you wish to nominate.
  • If more than one nomination is received, then it becomes necessary to hold a ballot.
  • The ballot papers will include details such as nominees’ names. The Nominees are invited to write some brief details about themselves, to aid other parents when voting.
  • All nominees are invited to attend the ballot count.
  • Once the ballot has been completed, the Clerk to the Governing Body will write to the successful candidate, welcoming them, and inviting them to the next meeting.
  • The ideal term of office is a minimum of 4 years – this will enable you to get to grips with the role and give you sufficient time to implement the changes and decisions you have been involved with. However, should your circumstances change for whatever reason; you are entitled to resign from the post early.